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Political Science Major

Political Science Major

Political Science is a social science that deals with power and governance and how they are exercised in the political sphere. It studies political institutions or systems and their behavior and how it is associated with the laws that exist in a society.

why study economics

Economics Major

In this article, you are going to find information that will help you make an informed decision about whether or not you should pursue a bachelor’s in Economics, and shed light on the importance of studying Economics.

Free online Excel courses

Free Online Excel Courses For Beginners

Coursera is offering free online Excel courses for beginners for a limited time. In this course, you will learn the basics of the Excel program for six weeks. The platform offers a limited time offer to join the training course for free.

After completing the training course, you will be able to create spreadsheets and perform the basic tasks of the program. At the end of the course, you can also pay to obtain a certificate.