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Fully Funded Scholarships 2023

If you are looking  for a fully funded scholarship or wish to continue your university studies abroad. You may browse hundreds of free scholarships on OPPGATE . OPPGATE is a discovery platform dedicated to providing information about the 2023 scholarships, as well as free online courses and other educational related tips.

Free online courses

Explore hundreds of free online courses in a variety of subjects to broaden your knowledge and skills.

We provide the course details and the method for applying and registering for these courses on OPPGATE.

University majors guide

Are you in your senior year of high school or have you already graduated and are unsure of the major you want to pursue?

OPPGATE  provides you with the university majors guide, which covers the most relevant information regarding most majors, such as the major’s future and the most important pros and drawbacks.

Scholarship selection and publication Criterta



Fully Funded Scholarships

All of the scholarships listed on the site are fully funded, or "free scholarships." Students who are accepted for these scholarships enjoy excellent benefits, including a full tuition waiver, a monthly stipend, free student housing, and a variety of additional benefits.


Accessible information

Our primary goal is to provide students with information. As a result, all articles contain a huge amount of information. Each article contains the most essential scholarship information. Such as scholarship benefits, admission requirements, and application documents. Along with clarifying the submission method and application deadlines. And the official and direct links to each scholarship.


Trusted scholarships

We make effort to provide reputable scholarships at OPPGATE. We double-check all of the information on the scholarship programs' official websites. The majority of the scholarships listed are either government awards or are affiliated with international universities. The information is also updated on a regular basis. All official links are  included at the end of each article.

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